werkling at werk


A seasoned professional steps in to deliver an organisation design review


Health and community services

Number of Employees


HQ Location

Ringwood, Victoria


People and culture


With a commitment to wellbeing and sustained performance, EACH reacted quickly when one of their teams reported increasing workloads. The first step was to understand what was going on and driving the workload uplift. EACH wanted an organisation design consultant to help them gain a deeper understanding of the work being delivered, the current workflow, structure and role design, workload and stakeholder needs.


The ideal Werkling would be an organisation design expert, with experience in the community services sector AND experience working with these types of specialist teams. We had someone fantastic in our talent community who ticked each of these three boxes and would be just the right fit for EACH.


Our org design guru worked closely with the team and their stakeholders to understand the current state of play and make a series of recommendations. These recommendations have now been implemented and have resulted in the removal of any duplicated efforts, a reallocation of work elements and a refocus on high value work. Beyond resolving the workload challenge, this work resulted in efficiencies and a performance uplift that put EACH in an even stronger position to continue the amazing work they do in the community, without burning out their staff.